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Technology and the Future

This article talks about some of the emerging technologies and their effects.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality defined

Virtual reality (VR) is an immersive multimedia experience, which replicates an environment that simulates a physical presence in the real world, incorporating the senses (usually sight and hearing). Augmented reality (AR) is the addition of computer-generated sensory input such as sound or images to real-world environments, like seeing Pikachu from Pokémon Go on your sofa.

In recent years, the accessibility of these advanced technologies has become more prominent, as more games incorporate AR and VR.  Now children can download AR games and apps, as well as play AR and VR games at arcades and fairs.  Parents and caregivers might be asking themselves, what are the implications of these modernized games for children?


What do the experts say about AR and VR?

While PEGI (Pan European Game Information – rates video game content) has been working on it and conducting research, there is no real rating system yet in place for VR.  Although studies have been done, researchers do not currently understand the full, long-lasting effects of video games that use VR or AR.

Common Sense Media says that virtual reality can have major benefits for children, but unfortunately the downsides are also large. Augmented reality can provide great educational experiences, but there may be issues of privacy and data protection.


A checklist of considerations before allowing your child to play any VR or AR games:

  • Ask yourself if your child is mature enough and emotionally ready for this type of game or experience.
  • Talk with your child about why they want to play a game with AR and VR capabilities and make sure to keep that channel of communication open, just in case your child is negatively impacted by something he/she witnesses or experiences while playing.
  • Ask yourself if this is something he/she really “needs” (i.e., is this something that your child is truly passionate about or is it just a short phase; are there other, less dangerous toys that would satisfy his/her curiosity; is this a game that provides some type of intellectual stimulation or opportunity for education that he/she cannot find elsewhere?).
  • Play any games your child is interested in, containing AR and VR with him/her, to make sure that they are not too violent or sexually inappropriate, particularly before allowing him/her to play alone.
  • Talk to other adults who take care of your child and state ground rules regarding VR and AR.
  • Remember that it is up to you to balance the opportunities of VR and AR against the risks, especially until more research is done.


Robots and robotics are also the future of tech

Now, on top of all of that we have robotics, new and improved machines that are impacting our daily lives more and more. This is an area that definitely needs more research.  So far, with the research we do have, experts are suggesting that children’s decision-making and opinions are susceptible to the influence of robots. Until parents have the control to program robots to exert their own influence, this remains to be a dangerous feature.

There is also an ongoing debate concerning using robots in schools. One can find pros such as the possibility of greater objectivity, more equality and adaptability in classrooms, and cons, like the probable increase in technology addiction, lack of personal engagement and the fact that it is not yet known whether or not children can even learn from robots, on both sides. These are important factors to take into consideration when deciding how involved in the education system we want robots to be.

Additionally, some advocate for robots to help them raise what they believe would be happier, smarter children who are more eager to keep their rooms clean (with a little help from their robot friend of course). While this may be tempting, if cleaner rooms also mean children who are incapable of keeping a space tidy without the help of technology, or for that matter, children who are incapable of feeling happy without technological stimulation, then perhaps the costs outweigh the benefits.


Tech take-aways for digital parents 

Remember that while spending quality time with all children, regardless of age is important, eye contact and face-time with your little ones are crucial.  This helps in your child’s language development as well as building the connections associated with attachment parenting.  So regardless of future tech capabilities, robots can never truly take the place of loving, caring, present parents.

As with most tech advances, more research is needed before truly informed decisions can be made.  However, staying in the loop about these debates will hopefully help parents make the right decisions for their families when it comes to the future of AR, VR and robots in their homes and in their children’s lives.

Last edited
Reading time
4 minutes

Call to Action

Educate yourself on every emerging technology before allowing your child to use it.

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