I understand that there is malicious content online and the ways I could protect myself from it.
salem and salma
What settings should I have enabled on my social media accounts to ensure my privacy online?
I'm aware that too much screen time comes with health risks and I know how to manage my time online.
I understand that it's wrong to "borrow" ideas without sourcing them.
I recognize what cyberbullying is and I know how to deal with it if I ever fall victim to it.
I know how I'm supposed to present myself online to avoid any misleading display of my identity.
I know that people online might not be who they claim to be.
I understand that it's wrong to "borrow" ideas without sourcing them.
I understand that there is malicious content online and the ways I could protect myself from it.
What settings should I have enabled on my social media accounts to ensure my privacy online?
I recognize what cyberbullying is and I know how to deal with it if i ever fall victim to it.
I know that people online might not be who they claim to be.
I'm aware that too much screen time comes with health risks and I know how to manage my time online.
I know how I'm supposed to present myself online to avoid any misleading display of my identity.